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Field Notes

Week 6 | Recap

· Dublin and Belfast delight ·

levitra Getting to Ireland was no easy feat. I am practiced in the art of woo woo. I understand impermanence and positive thinking and finding joy in the small things. But honestly? The whole experience was soul sucking. Even now, with the benefit of time, I remain steadfast in my initial diagnosis. There’s no way […]

Week 5 | Recap

· London's last days ·

The last week in London.  More than a month since we left New York. It hardly seems possible. Time is a thief. I yearn for some of those stolen moments. It panics me a bit, how quickly this will go and I vow to redouble my commitment to being present. To become what my friend Kristen calls […]

Week 4 | Recap

· Hackney Wick, Kensington + Greenwich ·

I was on top of my game for the first three weeks.  And then.  I fell off the wagon.  It nagged at me, knowing my faithful followers [hello mom + dad] would be devastated by the lack of updates. Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well. – Mark Twain Wring your […]